Chair - Graduate Studies Committee for the MS degree program in Information Security and Privacy
Kenneth R. Fleischmann is a Professor in the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin. He is also the Founding Chair of the Executive Team for Good Systems, a UT Grand Challenge (http://goodsystems.utexas.edu/) and the Founding Director of Undergraduate Studies for the iSchool's B.A./B.S. in Informatics. His research and teaching focus on the ethics of AI and more broadly on the role of human values in the design and use of information technologies. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), Microsoft Research, Cisco Research Center, Micron Foundation, and the Public Interest Technology University Network. His research has been recognized by the iConference Best Paper Award, the ASIS&T SIG-USE Best Information Behavior Conference Paper Award, the ALA Library Instruction Round Table Top Twenty Articles, the ASIS&T SIG-SI Social Informatics Best Paper Award, the Civic Futures Award for Designing for the 100%, and the MetroLab Innovation of the Month Award.